Sunday, July 10, 2011

Try This When You Are Sad

In these days button of our mood very oftenly get off, although there are many mechanisms or lever which control this button, like love , jealousy , expectation and if you are emotional type unintentionally hurting other counts too , and many more you better know. Out of these all, I  personally think jealousy toward your loved one(+ve one in which you hurt only you not them) is come in package with love, which hurt us according to our trust level on others, but this type of jealousy stay untill love stay. Last few days back i too felt that mood off in serious way. To come out of mood off we do many things, carving icecreams ,chocolates,sad songs on loop, stay alone, show i don’t care attitude(only show) and many other person to person. if they work, then good, but if not, try to surrender ourselves to god once(worked in my case), before going to depress, and if u don’t try that don’t worry time is greatest healer. There is two steps when got serious mood off. 
  1.      Watch “PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS” .awesome movie i m sure your condition is not worst than will smith.
  2. 2.       Read “GEETA SAAR” and think over it as many time as u can,it will surely button on your mood, try once.( I uploaded a simpler version you can find heavier version on internet)